United St Saviour’s Mayflower 400 Grants Fund
United St Saviour’s Charity has joined forces with British Land and Southwark Council to deliver the Southwark Mayflower 400 Grants Fund. The Fund aims to support local projects that mark and celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower.

Projects should respond to one or more of the key themes of the Mayflower story: migration, tolerance, enterprise and community. It should take place in the lead up to the anniversary of the Mayflower sailing and Thanksgiving in November 2020.
Activities or events must take place in the SE16 area, although some applications that relate to places of Mayflower significance in the wider SE1 area will also be considered. Individuals and for profit businesses are not eligible to apply.
Grants Available
There will be two grant programmes opening three times a year:
- Micro-grants for projects, activities and events of up to and including £1,000.
- Medium grants for projects, activities and events of over £1,000.
- Grants may be used to support one off activities or revenue costs but not capital projects; applications for more than one year’s activities will also be considered.
How to apply
- Applications are via United St Saviour’s Charity’s online grants portal, Flexi Grant
- For support and advice in developing your project idea or making a funding application (especially those over a value of £5,000), please contact Matthew Allgood or Sarah Thurman at United St Saviour’s Charity on 020 3141 3432 / 020 3141 3431 mallgood@ustsc.org.uk / sthurman@ustsc.org.uk
- Support to help you develop your event is available through the London Borough of Southwark. Please see Southwark Council’s planning a community event and creative Southwark websites.
Application deadlines
- Round 1. Opens 8 January – 1st March 2019 for projects starting April 2019.
- Round 2. Opens 1 April 2019 – 31 May 2019. Projects start July 2019.
- Round 3. Opens 1 July 2019 – 30 August 2019. Projects start October 2019.
United St Saviour’s Grants Application Workshop
Monday, 4 February 2019 | 13:00 – 15:00
Purpose of Session
An information session for community groups providing:
- details of the new Southwark Mayflower 400 Fund
- how to apply for a Mayflower 400 Fund grant; and
- demonstration of Flexi Grant online application portal.
Who should attend?
This session is for community groups, tenant & resident associations, charities, social enterprises faith groups and schools that operate in the SE16 area, or wider SE1 area as relevant to the Mayflower sailing.
[button link=”https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/southwark-mayflower-400-fund-grants-workshop-tickets-54976362781?utm_term=eventurl_text#listing-organizer” size=“large” icon=”fa-ticket” side=”left” target=“blank” color=”a8b7a3″ textcolor=”ffffff”]Register your attendance here[/button]
Disclaimer: WISE16 publish public notices from London Borough of Southwark with the aim to encourage participation. Please visit Southwark Council’s website for further in
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