Transport for London Walking and Cycling grants

WCGL is a grants programme funded by Transport for London, in partnership with The London Marathon Charitable Trust and administered by Groundwork London. Grants of up to £10,000 over three years are now available to community groups and organisations across London, to deliver projects and programmes that remove barriers to walking and cycling and enable all communities to enjoy the benefits of active travel. Many of whom will have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. 

The programme promotes walking and cycling not only as a means of transport and exercise, but projects also create confidence in participants, provide upskilling opportunities, enable greater physical, social and economic mobility, improve physical and mental health, reduce social exclusion and strengthen communities.

Deadline for applications is 5pm, Thursday 15 October.

More information about the scheme and how to apply can be found at or contact our grants administrators at with any queries.

What we fund

WCGL funds grants of up to £10,000 over three years to community groups and organisations, to create projects and programmes that allow all communities across London to enjoy the benefits of walking and cycling.

We work with groups whose participants need encouragement and support to get them walking and cycling.

Type of grants

Organisations can apply for up to £10,000 for projects that run for up to three years:

  • year one – up to £5,000
  • year two – up to £3,000
  • year three – up to £2,000

You can only apply for year two and year three grants at the same time as the year one grant.

At the end of each year, we assess your project to decide whether agreed outcomes or targets were achieved. Funding for years two and three will be released when targets have been met.

Each organisation can submit up to three applications in the 2020 WCGL funding round. Each application needs to meet the eligibility and evaluation criteria. Please note that whilst it is possible to apply for three grants per organisation, it may not always be possible to fund multiple applications from the same group.

Applications are judged against the scoring criteria set. Funding through WCGL is limited so we urge applicants to consider whether they need to submit more than one, as we aim to support as many organisations as possible For advice and guidance contact the grants administrators at

To apply for a WCGL grant, your organisation must operate within Greater London and be either:

  • A constituted community group (an organisation or association of persons with the primary aim of working to provide services and benefits to the community)
  • A charity or third sector organisation
  • A not for profit organisation, community interest company (CIC) or social enterprise

Projects that are suitable for funding are those which:

  • Encourage people to walk and/or cycle more often and more safely for transport, exercise or leisure, particularly those who are new to walking or cycling, used to cycle but no longer do so, or are infrequent walkers or cyclists; and
  • Focus on connecting with a diverse range communities which are currently detached, for a variety of reasons, from walking or cycling in London.

Groundwork London is happy to discuss the eligibility of your organisation or proposed project, and to help you ensure you meet the criteria set out above. For advice and guidance please contact us on or 0207 239 1286

Please share the information amongst your community groups and networks so as many groups as possible have the opportunity to benefit from the scheme.