Southwark COVID Compliant Business Accreditation Scheme

Southwark Council is running a pilot COVID Compliant Accreditation Scheme that offers local businesses a free verification assessment from our Environmental Health Team.

This scheme is aimed at supporting businesses in their reopening, and to reassure their customers that they have systems in place to minimise the risks associated with coronavirus, and that their premises are compliant with government guidance.

The pilot is centred within the Bankside and London Bridge Business Improvement Districts.

All participating businesses need to do is submit details of their COVID secure systems including:

  • current written COVIDsecure Risk Assessment
  • any internal COVID-19 related procedure notes, such as management checks that the risk assessment is being followed and cleaning schedules etc.
  • records of any COVID-19 specific staff training and relevant protection measures

An officer will then contact the business to assess the above and the details of their systems.

Following this assessment, the officer will then carry out an on-site verification inspection to confirm that the documented COVID-19 procedures are being implemented effectively.

Businesses meeting the requirements will be provided with the schemes accreditation door/window sign stating that they are COVID complaint. The business will also be able to publicise their accreditation on their website.

If you have any questions or would like to apply to join the scheme, email Roy Pickard.

Business support

Southwark Council provides support and information for businesses and employers on the Council’s website. To contact the Council about support available or issues affecting your business, please email

The government recently announced that businesses required to close due to the new national restrictions may be eligible for grants of up to £3,000 per month. You can find out more about what has been announced on our business support and information page.