Skin-awareness-2019 Interactive dance performance

The Installation

The immersive space morphs and alters with light and becomes solid, its pressure composing and decomposing the self-awareness of skin. The dancer’s body is extended and manipulated as a conscious entity, exceeding the physiological object.

In Skin-awareness, the embodied, symbiotic relationship of light, sound, and space is reciprocal. This work crosses the intersection of technological interventions, architectural fabrication, and contemporary dance performance. Forty laser beams controlled by mechanical robots read and encode choreography. Synergies of futuristic lighting and surrounding screens create a brief detachment from reality. Computer vision is utilized with computational precision along with the control of body movement.

skin-awareness poster
Click to enlarge for dates and times

About the Artist

Friendred is an installation and computational artist currently based in London. He is currently a PhD student in Goldsmiths, University of London, researching the intertwined relationship between technology and performance arts in the field of HCI.

Since 2015, Friendred has been focused on disciplines crossing arts, technology and science. His recent work bridged the conversation between body language and algorithmic machine, exploring the sensory apparatus and interactive systems. Through exploring the technologized elements and influences in the society and its correlation and entangled relationship with the other disciplines, the emergence of the embodiment, technologized performance and architectural body became his interest.

His works were published on several frontiers of design and technology platforms including DesignBoom and CreativeApplications etc. and won several awards including Shanghai Da Shi the Excellence Award, the Bronze prize in the third Cultural and Creative Design Competition and others.

Tickets and location

26 – 27 – 28 April 2019 | £3 / £5| Diverse Time | The Loft – 47/49 Tanner Street SE13PL

Disclaimer: WISE16 publish public notices from London Borough of Southwark with the aim to encourage participation. Please visit Southwark Council’s website for further in