Sands Films Cinema: Mother – 9 March 2021
Sands Films Cinema Club: the online presentation of Vsevolod I. Pudovkin, 1926 masterpiece
Mother is essential watching, all the more so as it is International Women’s Day.
The film depicts the radicalization of a mother, during the Russian Revolution of 1905, after her husband and son are killed. The film is based on the 1906 novel The Mother by Maxim Gorky. It is the first film in Pudovkin’s “revolutionary trilogy”, alongside The End of St. Petersburg (1927) and Storm Over Asia (1928).
Tuesday 9th March 2021 | 8pm | Free
Testing the stream connection will be around 7.45, the presentation will start at 8.00 sharp and the film soon after. Join us, send comments and support us if you can.
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