Sands Films Cinema Club online: Jolly Fellows – 3 Nov 2020

Join Sands Films Cinema Club for an online presentation of the first Soviet musical comedy Jolly Fellows, directed by Grigori Aleksandrov in 1934 and starring his wife Lyubov Orlova. This film is still one of the greatest achievement of the genre and in the night of all nights, when we all will be listening to the news from Washington, we may as well spend 90 minutes looking in the opposite direction!

Tuesday 3rd November | Online | 8pm

Jolly Fellows

Jolly Fellows by Sands Films Studio

The film musical peaked during soundโ€™s first decade: in Germany, G. W. Pabstโ€™s The Threepenny Opera and Erik Charellโ€™s The Congress Dances (both 1931); in France, Renรฉ Clairโ€™s Under Paris Roofs (1930) and Le million (1931); in the U.S., King Vidorโ€™s Hallelujah! (1929), Archie Mayoโ€™s Go Into Your Dance (1935), and the best of the Astaire-Rogers films; and, in the U.S.S.R., Grigori Aleksandrovโ€™s Jolly Fellows (1934), Circus (1936) and Volga-Volga (1938), all of them starring Aleksandrovโ€™s wife, Lyubov Orlova.

Who is this jolly fellow Aleksandrov? He was Sergei M. Eisensteinโ€™s assistant on Battleship Potemkin (1925), October (1927) and The General Line (1929)โ€”masterpieces, to be sure, but hardly the sort of stuff from which one might glean an interest in musical-comedy.


Testing the stream connection will be around 7.45, the presentation will start at 8.00 sharp and the film soon after. Join us, send comments and support us if you can.

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