Make > Shift With City and Islington College
Take part in making and sharing work inspired by Tania Bruguera’s Turbine Hall Commission from 12th to 15th February 2019

Come and immerse yourself in a makeshift interactive world of stories, materials, images, sound and movement as we explore the migration of people around our planet. Hear the stories of those displaced by environmental changes, conflict and persecution and witness the strength and fragility of those that have made these journeys and call this their home.
Enjoy a variety of performance styles including physical, verbatim and forum theatre, circus performance and live music. Watch from the sides or become active participants in performances with students from the School of Creative Arts, City and Islington College, as they transform the Tate Exchange.
About City and Islington college
The City and Islington College is an FE and He college in North London. The School of Visual and Performing Arts is where young people with an interest in the arts industries come to find creative challenges, to extend their skills and to find new opportunities.
Location and tickets
This event is free. No booking needed
Tate Modern | Tate Exchange | Blavatnik Building, Level 5, Bankside London SE1 9TG
Disclaimer: WISE16 publish public notices from London Borough of Southwark with the aim to encourage participation. Please visit Southwark Council’s website for further in