Avondale Community Event Thank You Poppy Auction
Thursday 25th October 2018 | Avondale Community Centre | Twelve Acres House, Avondale Estate, London SE1 5PD
Doors open 5pm – Items available for sale and donations. Action will start at 7pm
All proceeds raised go to The Royal British Legion and The Chelsea Pensioners
The reason
2018 commemorates the centenary ending of WW1
There were 344 (we are using the number 345 to include the unknown), Southwark soldiers who did not return from the war. Their names are commemorated on the stone wall of the screen behind the high altar in Southwark Cathedral.
For them the ultimate sacrifice was made.
For their sacrifice we say, Thank You.
There are no words big enough to say thank you to those who sacrificed everything but, saying something is far better than saying nothing at all.
Thank you โ such a small phrase but with a wealth of meaning.
A thank you shows gratitude to those who give their time and energy in delivering essential skills such as the police, the fire and ambulance service, doctors and nurses, teachers – the unknown. A thank you shows appreciation for a gift or an act of kindness and support from family or friends, or even a stranger.
The Impact
Studies show that a thank you to both the giver of the thanks and the receiver can create:
โข Stronger immune systems and lower blood pressure
โข More joy and pleasure, more optimism and happiness
โข More forgiving and outgoing outlooks, less lonely and isolated feelings
Studies show that a thank you to both the giver of the thanks and the receiver can create:
โข Stronger immune systems and lower blood pressure
โข More joy and pleasure, more optimism and happiness
โข More forgiving and outgoing outlooks, less lonely and isolated feelings
We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in
our lives. In our past, our present and the unknown, our future.
The above impact is so important to create stronger, more inclusive
communities, as we are bought together in the sharing of the same
The Project
To create through donations and workshops, 345 pieces of art/craftwork each being dedicated to the name of one of the Southwark Soldiers who did not return from WW1 and 345th piece dedicated to the unknown. The unknown will be a dedication of thanks to the past, present and future.
This will be a community led project and have a strong intergenerational feel at its heart.
If you would like to get involve, email
[button link=”mailto:avondalecommunityevents@yahoo.co.uk ” size=”default” icon=”fa-envelope-o” side=”left” target=โblank” color=”a8b7b7″ textcolor=”ffffff”]avondalecommunityevents@yahoo.co.uk [/button]
or contact on Facebook
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ACE are a small committee of resident led volunteers who strive to put on events and projects, that bring people in our local community together in shared experiences.
Ann Duffy โ Chair of Avondale Community Events – ACE